

energy saving window film

Experience Major Energy Savings with Window Film in Norman

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Norman Window Film is committed to helping our Norman clients achieve energy efficiency. Our high-quality, ceramic, window film does not offer provides heat reduction, and UV protection bus also offers significant energy savings.

Save on Summer Energy Costs in Norman

energy saving window film

When the summer sun beats down on your home and windows, it causes the temperature inside to rise which forces your air conditioner to have to work harder. This increased energy demand leads to higher utility bills. However, with our energy saving window film, you can significantly reduce the amount of solar heat entering your space, which allows your AC system to work less.

energy saving window film


By decreasing heat gain, our window film helps maintain a more stable indoor temperature. This reduces the need for constant air conditioning. This translates into substantial energy savings as well as a greener footprint. Many of our clients have seen up to 30% reductions in their cooling costs after installing our energy-efficient window film in their Norman home or business. This will also extend the lifespan of your HVAC system…added bonus!

Work with Norman’s Window Film Experts

energy saving window film

At Norman Window Film, we believe that energy savings go hand in hand with heat-rejection window film. Contact us today to get an estimate!




UV Blocking Window Film

UV Blocking Window Film for Better Skin and Better Health

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Did you know that window film can help with the harmful effects of sun exposure? UV rays from the sun can cause very serious long term damage to your skin and to your health. This can lead to skin damage, wrinkles, discoloration and even skin cancer. The good news is there is a very easy, affordable way to keep out those harmful UV rays as well as minimize fading on your homes interiors.

Provides Daily Protection – UV Blocking film helps to protect your skin from prolonged exposure to harmful UV radiation. The film is a shield that creates a safe environment.

Blocks Harmful UV Rays –  Window film that blocks UV rays blocks the rays that would normally pass through windows and cause skin cancer, aging and skin damage. This film blocks out 99% of harmful UV rays.

Decreases Risk of Skin Cancer – UV blocking window film lowers the risk of developing skin cancer and is recommendation by the American Cancer Society. It reduces your exposure to harmful UV rays. It protects your skin cells from DNA damage that can cause skin cancer.

Preserves Appearance and Skin Health – UV radiation can also cause skin aging, discoloration and wrinkles. To protect your skin from these harmful effects, it is essential to use UV blocking window film in your home or office.

FREE Window Film Consultation in Norman

An investment in UN Blocking window film for your Norman home or business can help protect your skin from UV radiation, reduce the risk of skin cancer and prevent skin damage. Please call Norman Window Film today for a free onsite consultation.

Security Window Film

Security Film for Norman Retail Stores

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If you are a store owner in Norman, Oklahoma, security window film can be a very beneficial investment. It helps keep your merchandise safe from smash and garb attempts which is an added layer of protection for you and your business. As a store owner, security is a top priority. This is why the installation of security window film should be a top consideration.

Security Window Film

Security window film is a specialized film that is directly applied to your existing glass and helps reinforce it by making it more difficult for potential intruders to gain entry through a window or door. It is important to ensure the film meets the industry standards and is installed properly by trained, certified professionals. The installers, at Norman Window film, have been trained and certified by the leading film manufacturers.

Which Brand of Security Film Should I Choose?

Choosing the right brand of window film for your Norman home or office can be confusing. Based on our experience in the industry, we have 2 very good recommendations for you:

  • 3M Security Window Film
  • Llumar Security Film

Get a Free Security Consultation

Security Window Film is an invaluable asset for any store owner. Let Norman Window Film help you choose the best security window film for your store. Our experienced team will come to your store and provide a free consultation and estimate. Give us a call today and let us show you how security window film can protect your store from burglars, hazardous weather conditions and much more.



decorative window film

3 Ways Norman Businesses Can Use Decorative Window Film

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decorative window film

In order for businesses to maintain the best image it is always important for the building to make a good impression on your customers. For those Norman business owners wanting to make the most out of their budget and really make their commercial space look good, window film has always been a favorite. Here are 3 ways that Norman businesses can use decorative window film.

Benefits of Decorative Window Film for Your Norman Businesses

Interior Design: There are many design options in decorative window film. There are frost films, colored films, and textured films. You can add film to glass, an elevator, a mirror, most any space that needs that extra attention.

Branding and Marketing: Decorative film is great for your branding and marketing needs. These films are highly customizable and can portray anything from your company logo to an upcoming event or a promotion.

Interior Privacy: Decorative film can also be used for privacy needs in your commercial space. It can mimic the look of frosted or etched glass which provides a more affordable option than glass replacement. You can even customize for both privacy and light diffusion.

Work with Norman’s Trusted Decorative Window Film Experts

Norman Window Film is proud to be the trusted decorative window film expert serving the Norman and surrounding areas. Our team of designers can help you bring your vision to life.

For more information regarding all the different decorative applications available, please contact us!



security window film

Benefits of Window Film for Norman Historic Buildings

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Windows are important for energy efficiency as well as security. However, with the many historic buildings we have in Norman, replacing older windows is not always a good idea. The goal, many times, is to preserve the original architecture and historic elements of the building. If you are looking for another option to window replacement, consider window film for your historic Norman property.

Windows are often an important feature in older buildings.  They may have a unique shape or trim. In this type of situation, replacement should be avoided if possible. Preserving these older windows is ideal. This is where window film can help! You can install window film for your Norman historic property and retrofit your existing windows instead of replacing them.

Benefits of window tint for your Historic Property:

Energy Efficiency: – Window film improves the energy efficiency of historic buildings by reducing heat gain in the summer and heat loss in the winter. This reduces energy costs and makes the environment more comfortable.

Increased Comfort: Window film reduces glare and blocks out infrared rays. This makes the interior of the building more comfortable for the occupants.

Reduced Fading: By blocking the harmful UV rays, window film can also help reduce the fading of the interiors such as flooring, fabrics, carpets, and art.


Schedule a Free Quote

Call us today to schedule a free estimate and to learn more about window film for your historic Norman building.

house window tinting

How to Choose the Right Window Film for your Home Office?

By Blog, Security Window Film

One bright morning, you were looking out the window and you might think there’s something missing. You scratch your head thinking long and hard about what’s wrong or missing from your windows. And then it suddenly hits you. Glare. Squinting your eyes, you realize that it’s time to get a window film. The good thing is that there is an array of residential window tinting companies in the Norman, Oklahoma area.

A window film is a thin laminate film that can be installed on the interior or exterior glass in homes or buildings. It serves as protection from different conditions that may affect your home, for instance, the glare from the sun. It is also an efficient and inexpensive way to improve your home and give it a new life. Did you know that there are different kinds of window tint for house windows? Depending on your needs, you can choose from types that suit your needs. If you’re still not sure what to get, ask your friendly neighborhood residential window tinting company for help.

Below are some of the different types of window films so read on and you might just find what you’re looking for. 

Glare Reduction Films

One of the problems encountered when having high or long windows facing the sun is glare. This is also a common problem for people working in the office or having home offices since the glare from the sun reflects on computers and televisions which can cause eye strain. Having a glare-reduction window film will definitely be a godsend.

Privacy Window Films

If you’re a private person or just don’t want your nosy neighbors looking through your window, you can opt for privacy window films such as frost film or textured glass which could block the view but still allow light to pass through. This will be the ideal window tint for house windows of homeowners that want to enjoy their private moments.

Security Window Films

Aside from privacy, security window films are built to reinforce vulnerable entry points which are an added protection in case of burglary, theft, or even natural disasters. This kind of window film adds an extra layer of security in case tools or debris is hurled at the window. It does not only work for business establishments but also for homes to keep homeowners at ease. 

Insulated Window Films

The cold weather can take up to 30% more energy in your home as your HVAC or heater needs to work double time to get your home warm and cozy. This is why insulated window films are perfect for adding an extra layer of insulation to prevent the cold weather outside from penetrating inside your home. In turn, your energy bills will be greatly reduced and you will not even need to overwork your HVAC for your heating needs.

UV Protection Film

Did you know that ultraviolet rays can penetrate your home even through closed windows? Yes, you read it right. Normal window glass can’t prevent UV rays from entering your home which is not only harmful to your skin but also can cause furniture and carpets to fade faster. Thus, putting a UV protection film can help protect your family and even your treasured household items while still enjoying the warmth and natural light of the sun.

residential window tinting

How to Properly Maintain and Care for your Home Window Films

By Blog, Security Window Film

Most people consider their homes their greatest pride and joy, well aside from their children, of course. Thus, making sure their homes are well-kept and maintained is their top priority. Taking care of our homes goes beyond vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen, dusting, and organizing everything. It is important that all aspects of our homes are well taken care of. 

One of the most important but sometimes neglected parts of the cleaning process in our homes is keeping our windows pristine. Most of us probably have window films installed as they are effective in reducing glare, particularly on large windows. Window films are also a great way to save on energy costs as they can help with heat control in our homes, it’s like having an insulator installed. It keeps the heat out during the summer and helps retain the heat in the winter. 

Did you know that window tint for house windows also helps preserve furnishings that are caused by the solar heat that passes through the windows? Thus, adding extra care to your window films will make your home more comfortable and immaculate. Giving that proper TLC to your window films will surely make them last longer and in good condition. There are actually proper ways to clean window films, and this could make or break them, so better take down notes for this.

The first thing you need to know about residential window tinting is that there is a time frame between the installation and cleaning of your window films. It is best to wait a couple of weeks after installation before doing your first cleanup. There is a time period for the window to “cure”. This means that the film is still drying and may look smeared or foggy. This is normal and doesn’t rush in cleaning this up. 

When it’s time to clean your window films, don’t get too excited and use anything you see as a cleaning material. Most people often think that you can use normal cleaning solutions for window films. Well, if you want your window film to actually last for years, stay away from harsh chemical cleaning products and make your own cleaning solution instead. The good thing is that all the ingredients for your magic cleaning spray can be found in your kitchen cupboard.

You only need distilled water, mild liquid dish soap or baby shampoo, and a spray bottle to whip up the perfect cleaning solution on the window tint for house windows. If you must use a commercial solution, always check if it is ammonia free as ammonia can damage the tint. 

Spray the solution on the window films and use a microfiber cloth to remove spots or stains. After washing your window, use a rubber squeegee to wipe them dry. Move the squeegee from top to bottom and side to side, swiping everything but making sure that water will not get through the film which could lead to bubbling problems. Also, the important thing to remember is to clean your windows during the cooler part of the day, early in the morning or late in the afternoon as it is not ideal to clean them when the film is hot. Ask experts for residential window tinting for the best tips on how to clean window films to make them last longer.


window tint for house windows

Ways to Make your Home Safe During Holidays in Norman, OK

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One of our most prized possessions is our home and what is inside of it. Aside from valuables that we keep inside our homes, keeping our family safe is our utmost priority. As the holidays are a season of joy, it should be a time to enjoy the festivities and relax with the people we love. As we are busy with shopping, decorating, and cooking delicious foods, it is important that we also prioritize safety while also having fun. Who doesn’t want a worry-free holiday, right?

If you want your home to be set for holiday safety, taking simple steps will prevent any possible mishaps during one of the most important events of the year. Here are ways to keep your home secure during the holiday festivities:

Ensure all doors and windows are locked

No matter if you’re at home or doing a few errands outside, make sure that every door and window inside the house is properly locked. It is also best to invest in a crime-safe security door that is highly durable and can secure your home from potential break-ins. And no matter how much of a hassle it is, always make sure to close and lock your garage door. 

Install window films 

You may not know it but installing window films does not only protect you from harmful UV rays, but it can also add extra safety to your home and prevent potential break-ins.  As a window tint for house windows has the ability to hold glass together, it can provide extra measures of security. Residential window tinting could also prevent potential burglars from seeing inside the house, which can provide deterrence from potential break-ins. 

Check all Christmas lights, furnaces, and chimneys

The holiday season is also fire season as a number of accidents are caused by faulty Christmas lights, furnace overheating, and dirty chimneys. Before getting into your holiday vibes, it is best to inspect first your furnace and chimneys to make sure that they are working well. Also, check your Christmas lights to see if the cord is not damaged or frayed, particularly if you will be reusing it from previous holidays. 

Invest in a home security system

For extra protection of your home, aside from window tint for house windows, a home security system will surely keep potential intruders away. Install alarms, security cameras, and motion sensors around the house which will give you peace of mind particularly if you’re away from your home. Exterior lights that are motion sensitive will surely ramp up your home security as this would scare off potential burglars. 

Consider trimming your hedges

You may be busy with shopping, baking, and doing errands during the holidays but it is important to set aside time to trim the hedges around your home. Potential burglars can hide in your overgrown hedges and trees and wait for an opportunity to break into your home.  

Keeping your home safe all throughout the year and not only during the holidays should be one of your priorities. You may not know it, but residential window tinting is effective in keeping burglars out. Just ask the experts in residential window film installation. Check out this link.

window tint for house windows

Choosing Right Temperature Film for your Home in Norman, OK

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Winter is here and because of the freezing temperature, we need to have a long-term solution to lower electric bills and comfortable indoor temperatures. Yes, window tint for house windows can also control your house’s room temperature which is great for every season throughout the year. Residential window tinting can block heat during summer and insulate your windows during the winter. Each window tint for house windows provides stable, moderate temperatures and energy savings. Keep reading to learn about each window film’s specialty.

All Season Window Film and Tint

As the name implies, all-season window film and tint insulate your home all year round. It provides better protection from the sun but can affect the aesthetic appearance of your home. In addition, it reduces glare and blocks harmful UV rays and can be energy-saving, and gives a comfortable indoor temperature.

Consider all-season window film and tint if:

  1. You want better insulation on your home during winter and block heat during the summer
  2. If you don’t mind a silver or amber tint to your windows
  3. If you desire additional benefits like reduced glare and furniture fading
  4. You’d like to experience energy savings every month

Sun Control

Residential window tinting with control is ideal for homeowners looking for protection from the sun. It will significantly reduce heat and harmful UV rays streaming into your house. It also blocks glare and produces noticeable energy savings during warmer months and your home could become carbon negative in a matter of months. 

Sun Control is ideal for:

  1. Homeowners who desire heat, protection from harmful UV rays, and energy savings during the summer.
  2. Homeowners who see an increase in their electric bills during the warmer months.
  3. Homeowners who want to have an alternative method to insulate houses during the winter or experience a slightly warm winter.

Night Vision

Night vision window tint for house windows is energy savings and gives added comfort during the warmer months. Its high reflectivity ensures added privacy during the day and crystal-clear views at night. It blocks up the sun’s heat to keep you cool and allow natural light to stream through your home. It also significantly reduces glare and furniture fading. 

In the Norman Window film, we give our customers great pride in beautifully decorating their homes while enjoying many other benefits that many homeowners are unaware of. We have high-performance films that are a great investment because they cut heating costs in winter and air conditioning costs in summer, by making the glass more thermally efficient. The same window film can cut heating and cooling costs and also blocks the sun’s harmful UV rays and provide 99% UV protection. Let us help you feel more comfortable inside your home and protect your investment from fading because harmful UV rays are what cause fading to your flooring and furnishings.

If you are interested in learning more about energy-saving window film, contact us anytime and we’ll be happy to pair you with a knowledgeable representative that will answer any question you may have.

Call us now.

window tint for house windows

Window Tints That Are Perfect for French Windows

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French windows are a popular window style due to their classic design, which is easy to clean and less susceptible to the weather. French windows have a certain look that may not look great if you put the wrong tints. So, you must choose the type of window tint for house windows that is just right. Here are window tint options that will help you decide what the best choice is for your French windows!

UV Films

UV films work by blocking the sun’s harmful UV rays. Since French windows encourage a lot of sunlight to come into your home, UV films are the best option for French windows because they offer complete protection from the sun. Not only will it protect you and your family from the harmful rays of the sun, but it will also protect your furniture from fading which usually happens when exposed regularly to UV rays. 

Safety and Security Film

Safety film is a popular option for home security, as it can help to keep thieves out of your home while you’re away. It’s also effective at blocking sunlight from entering your home, which can prevent burglars from seeing what you’re doing. French doors and windows are often the most attractive to burglars since it is easy to break into. Security and safety films are thicker than other residential window tinting options which makes them an extremely effective solution to protecting your home from burglary. They are durable and can even protect your home from severe weather, especially during storms where objects and debris could potentially break inside your home.

Mirror Film

One of the best options for French windows is mirror film. This type of film is designed to reflect the beauty of your surroundings. If your home is surrounded by nature, a mirror film would be the perfect way to improve your French windows. This makes it a good choice for people who want to keep their privacy but still want to enhance the appearance of their windows. On top of that, mirror window tints block UV light from entering the home. This means that you won’t notice an increase in energy consumption because of tinting your French windows.

Decorative Film

Decorative window tinting such as frost films or patterned films would be a perfect addition to French windows. Not only will it look elegant and stylish, but decorative films can add more privacy to your home. If you don’t want to install darker tints to your French windows but still want to install window tinting, frosted glass films and other types of decorative films would be perfect. Moreover, decorative films can be the most economical way to enhance curb appeal. People who live in modern homes can already benefit from this type of window tinting. 


Want to dress up your French windows and add a touch of luxury? Residential window tinting is an excellent way to do this and helps with privacy. Window tint for house windows is a great way to add both style and safety while ensuring that your privacy is not compromised. With the right window tinting, your French windows will surely be the talk of the town.